Glenn E. Davis

Charter Senior Fellow

HeplerBroom LLC

Glenn E. Davis handles complex litigation and business counseling issues in a broad range of contexts:

Antitrust, distribution & franchise litigation

Antitrust business counseling & compliance

Business, corporate, and shareholder litigation

Securities, RICO, and stock drop class action defense

Corporate governance, compliance, and internal investigations

Consumer class action defense

Cybersecurity & privacy protection and litigation

Intellectual property litigation

He engages in complex antitrust issues in a broad range of contexts: joint venture arrangements; distribution arrangements; pricing and price discrimination; evaluation of mergers, including Hart-Scott-Rodino compliance and analyses of efficiencies and market power; monopolization and predatory conduct allegations; responses to Department of Justice Antitrust Division and Federal Trade Commission investigations; intellectual property-antitrust issues; healthcare antitrust; trade association activities; private civil litigation, including class actions and alternative dispute resolution; criminal antitrust and other white-collar crime matters; corporate and individual disclosure and leniency policies; and internal investigations and corporate compliance programs.

Mr. Davis leads HeplerBroom’s HBCyberGroup, which provides interdisciplinary services to address information security challenges before, during, and after a cyber intrusion or data breach. Working with leading forensic “white hat” experts, data infrastructure firms, insurance brokers, and reputation management/PR firms, he offers a range of coordinated services scaled to clients’ individual needs and circumstances.

He regularly represents numerous defendants in corporate and securities litigation matters, including closely held corporation shareholder disputes and shareholder class actions involving public companies. In recent years, he has obtained dismissals of several corporate and individual officer and director defendants in three stock drop class actions, including affirmance by the Eighth Circuit in two of them.

He has broad experience in the area of internal corporate investigations and has conducted several internal investigations for audit committees concerning insider trading, financial reporting and accounting irregularity issues, false claims, Medicare fraud, professional sports performance-enhancing drug usage, and qui tam matters. He completed a recent investigation and voluntary disclosure plan for a Fortune 500 company that resulted in a declination of prosecution in a complicated false claims, scientific fraud, and false testing matter.

In addition to his bar admissions, Mr. Davis has litigated in administrative tribunals such as hearings and investigative proceedings with the Federal Trade Commission, as well as the Securities Exchange Commission and the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority.